Monday, May 25, 2020

Frankenstein personal experiences


Frankenstein, Book by Mary Shelley (Mass Market Paperback) | www ...

I choose Frankenstein for many reason. The first one is the background. Throughout the whole book, the panorama turns interesting because of the loneliness and spooky original masterpiece that the teenage author develop, but this was because of Lord Byron suggestion. Although this background was so void and empty, it is interesting how connects and hook up the reader with real situation that pitifully happens nowadays. That problem is how quick human nature is to assign bad motives to someone just because he's ugly. This problem was one of the cruelest personal experiences that I've ever had when I was a kid. That happened in the 6th school year. I was an annoying kid as everyone is in the childhood, and there was a boy that play the role of Victor Frankenstein. Every single day, he said to me that I was adopted because my biological parents saw me as a lifeless thing. The first days of this strong language were careless because of my personality, but the days were passing and the insults were bigger and bigger, until one day, he said that I was a failure abortion because my original mom could not kill me. I learned that day that people are focused on first impressions, and if the first impression is a threat, they will do whatever they are capable of to end it sooner.

The second reason was the amazing beauty in Mary Shelley's writing. Even though it is a fairly story, it respond to the beauty around us and how we appreciate what we are part of. This reminded me a personal experience that I had this year in Canada. When I arrived in Canada, I was so impressed with the bond between fauna, flora and people, how Canadian people live peacefully with other wild animals such as rabbits, squirrels, raven, seagulls, and even bears. how people did not destroy their habitats but live together without any major issue. Now, I see  why Victor's best buddy Henry is master of living the moment. That is because he saw the sight of what is beautiful in nature is totally different of what is beautiful between human beings. Nature's beauty will always interest the hearth, no matter how many times we see the same panorama, on the other hand Human beauty is inconsistent and volatile, making short shining periods and long dreadful pains. 
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Finally, the last reason was the moral. Across the book, there are morals aplenty that shake us and make us evaluate our behaviour as people. The most important moral is given by the monster, making us think that plenty times in our lives we did not satisfy our desires because of the revenge. This moral is not important in our society because of the selfish syndrome, and I, learned the last year with an ex-girlfriend. After many fights, I broke with her and I was decided to destroyed her hopes because of the bad relationship that she gave me, in other words, I wanted to be better than her in all aspects, so I set off my "revenge journey". I listed myself in all the activities that the school had available, obviously, to stand out, so I was the class governor, I was in religion and social stuff, but my card under the sleeve was making my school champion again in basketball. I trained so hard and hustle my team at the limit to win the trophy and classify in national matches. After hard months of training, we did it but I feel that something was going in the wrong way, I felt void, like all the goals that I had achieved were for someone and not for myself. After we win the national matches and became again champions of basketball, I realized that all the achievements were for her and not for me, so I stopped making the star paper and start focused on myself. In that point, I realized that those goals were careless because they were not mine. I step back and I looked the panorama and I saw the opportunity to hustle me one more time, and I went for it. Now, that opportunity took shape and it is going to give me my second diploma of high school, so I learned the most important thing after my revenge journey. Revenge is not all it is cracked up to be, and is a waste of time. So, if you are going to start that journey, stop and think, Am I doing this for me or for proving something to someone?
 we who had nothing will school them in serenity — Batman v ...